What's Wrong With Undertale?

Ugh... this I can do without.

A relative is judging me for liking Undertale. Apparently, I'm not allowed to like something that's quirky and "weeaboo." WTF's his problem?

Undertale is the funny parts involving Booster from Super Mario RPG, only someone made a whole game out of it. I'M NOT ALLOWED TO LIKE THAT?

Undertale isn't a problematic game as far as I know. That's not why he has a problem with me liking it. It's JUST because it's "weeaboo."

I'm not kidding, he's pretty much told me that he DISLIKES me for ENJOYING A GAME. I'M TWENTY-SEVEN AND HE'S THIRTY. WHAT'S GOING ON?

If a non-problematic thing is made to be enjoyed and you can't accept people enjoying it on their own terms, then you're a complete asshole.

By all means, dislike whatever is not up your street, but don't treat people like garbage JUST FOR LIKING THINGS. How do they DESERVE that?

This feels like a response to internet trolls. The fact that it's a response to IRL trolling from a family member is REALLY depressing.

Oh, and don't treat people like garbage for DISLIKING things either. You CAN have disagreements and arguments without resorting to abuse.

I hope I don't sound like a wet blanket with these tweets! Tomorrow, I'll be tweeting about YESMODE'S NEW GAME! As for now, I need to sleep.

Goodnight all! Keep yourselves awesome! =)