No No-Homo: Rant On Homophobic Humour

Had family round at the house tonight. Left the room in frustration due to their homophobic "humour." Let's talk about this one moment...

First, let's set the scene. My parents were telling a story about how I got stuck through a fence for about thirty minutes. Funny story!

And then, because... you know, I was in a bent-over position stuck in this fence, my dad remarked "It's a good thing no GAY men were there!"

The conversation amongst my family then turned into a derogatory one about homosexuals. FUCK RIGHT OFF. I've not been back downstairs since.

I don't mind my family just assuming I'm heterosexual, but I HATE that they think I'll laugh at a joke where homosexuality is the punchline.

So... the joke is funny because if a man is bent over and gay men are nearby, they will think sexy thoughts about him. <GASP> IMAGINE THAT!!

Even before I came to terms with my sexuality, I didn't care if gay men wanted to check me out. Whatever! Doesn't mean a thing to me!

Heterosexual men though have this idea that if you're gay, it means you'll try to have sex with EVERY MAN IN THE ROOM right then and there!

If that's YOU, grow the hell up! A: Being queer doesn't mean I'm attracted to EVERY MAN ON THE PLANET. Most men look absolutely gross to me!

B: If I AM attracted to you, I'M ALLOWED TO BE and C: it doesn't mean I'm going to ACT on it in any way. I probably won't even talk to you!

I mean, come on! Am I REALLY going to assume you want me to kiss, touch OR SLEEP WITH you, then attempt those things without your consent?

Heterosexuals develop this distorted idea of queer people, then build their sense of humour around that distortion, as my family have done.

I have no idea if I should ever come out to my family. I don't feel very welcome among them right now and I don't want to make that worse.

I know these aren't fun tweets about gaming and I'm sorry for being all serious, but heterosexuals MUST change their ideas on queer people.

And if you yourself are experiencing crap like this, no matter what gender or sexuality, there is a happy place for you here at YesMode! =)