Welcome To Lena's Retro Junk Reviews!

I want to tweet about cool stuff more often on YesMode Twitter, but wasn't sure what to tweet about until today, when an idea hit me!

I've been revisiting a LOT of gaming stuff from my childhood lately, but not games, mainly magazines, TV shows, weird merchandise, etc.

People tweet about retro game stuff ALL the time, but I never see tweets about any of those li'l bits and pieces that made up MY childhood.

I'm not complaining, but I've never seen like, a tweeted scan of a game guide I bought when I was 9. I'd LOVE to see more stuff like that!

So I thought "Lena, if no-one else is tweeting that stuff, why don't YOU tweet it? Why not make that YOUR Twitter thing?" So... I will! Yay!

The most interesting thing about exploring this junk from my gaming childhood is noticing how STRANGE most of it looks to me as an adult!

For example, regarding GamesMaster magazine in 1998... WHAT THE HELL IS *THIS* GUY?!?!?!

But more importantly, I like the idea of looking back on these things and asking "was it a good idea to engage with this stuff as a kid?"

The Super Mario Bros Super Show for example... Good idea for a kid to watch? I wanna find out and tweet about it!

SO TO SUM UP, I'll be tweeting updates on my games, random thoughts AND reviews of the cool/worrying gaming stuff I was exposed to as a kid!

Hopefully that all makes sense! And hopefully I'll now get into the habit of tweeting interesting stuff more often than usual! LEZDOTHIS! =P